Clothing, Sewing
This project will introduce you to a whole new world of options with outfits, clothing and accessories. The clothing construction phase will teach you the basics like sewing a shirt or putting a zipper in a pair of pants. The advanced units will teach you how to take the design of your choice and customize it for the perfect look, color and fit. Buymanship will give you that edge on planning a budget for an outfit, choosing between different shades of colors and analyzing clothing advertisements. Members may participate in the Fashion Review to model either their clothing construction or Buymanship items.
Clothing Construction
Leader: - St. Francis
Leader: Mandi Martin - Level I - Goodland
Schedule: Watch Calendar for Meeting Dates
Age 7-10
- Plan a wardrobe, determine a clothing budget and shop for clothing
- Learn how to select colors and styles
Age 11-13
- Record body measurements and determine appropriate clothing sizes
- Conduct a clothing inventory
- Learn differences between warm and cool colors
Age 14 and Older
- Identify wardrobe according to body shape, proportion and balance
- Make decisions about clothing purchases by comparing fiber, care requirements, cost, brand and style
- Analyze clothing advertisements