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Sunflower District

Project Information, Resources, Videos

Below you will find information about the projects, who the leaders are in each county, and resource material for each project and project videos.  When schedule of meetings are known, they will be posted on the calendar.

You may attend project meetings in your county or you may attend in any of our three counties unless classes are full. Most leaders are more than happy to have you join their project group.



Arts & Crafts ClothingSelf determined & CitizenshipDog Project

 Exploring 4-H Cloverbuds Lego

 Fiber Arts
Foodshealth wellness
Horse ProjecthorticulturelivestockPets, Cats, Aquairum
Poultry & RabbitsReading & PhotographyRocketrySelf Determined Project
Shooting SportsWildlife, Fishing, Entomoloty & GeologyWoodworking, Electricity, Engines 



           Explore Projects                 

Printable Project Guide     

Order Project Books Form                              



We would love to have you as a Volunteer Project Leader!  Do you have a knowledge you could share with youth?  If you would like to be a 4-H Volunteer Project Leader in your county, complete a VIP Leader Application, then contact your local extension office.  Project Leaders may have from 1 to many meetings to help instruct members.

If you are a returning project leader, click here for your renewal application and visit your extension office.

Volunteer Resources