Bird City Go Getters 4-H Meeting Information
Date: 3rd Sunday of each month
Time: 4:30 pm
Location: Scout Hut @ Bird City Park
Dates and Times may change
Club Leaders/ Officers - 2023-2024
Leader: Heidi Ketzner
Coming soon: 2023-24 Officers
President - Brady Ketzner
Vice President -Matt Hendricks
Secretary - Landon Hendricks
Treasurer - Hayden Ketzner
Reporter - Blaine Ernzen
Recreation - Clay & Aiden Ernzen
Council Rep - Heidi, Brady, Hayden Ketzner
Club Information:
Most Popular projects taken: Foods, Woodworking, Sheep, Cattle
Fundraisers: Holiday Fair Meal
Community Service Project: Help with Bird City Santa Day
Deliver food baskets to needy families
Pull weeds at Bird City Park
Events/Activities: Club Christmas Party and gift exchange