County & Regional Club Days

What is County Club Days?

Each of our counties independently have a 4-H County Club Day. This is an event which gives participants an opportunity to tell others about their 4-H projects and demonstrate their talents and abilities.

Presentations such as talks, demonstrations, speeches, skits, music and dance are judged and awarded ribbons. Check the website calendars for the dates in your county. Pre-Registration for 4-H'er participation is required, please check calendar for due dates of each county.


Sunflower District #6 County club days 2025

March 8 - Sherman County 4-H days & Talent Night - Harvest E-Free Church - 5:30 pm (All participants must arrive by 6:15 PM MT.) Creative Foods will start earlier in the afternoon.
* Creative Food Table pdf
* C_Table Rules
* Posters Rules
* Demo and Talks (See score Sheets & Tips below)

March 13 at 5:30 CT Cheyenne County Club Days



March 24 Wallace County Club Days



Other Tip Sheets below but our local guidelines are somewhat different than state level.


Regional 4-H Days or District Days

March 28 Regional 4-H Days - Harvest E-Free Church on Hwy 24, Goodland


  • Purple ribbons or top blue ribbons at Regionals, age 9 and older (before January 1) can take their project talks, demonstrations, and illustrated talks to the Kansas State Fair. Poetry entries can also be entered.
  • New this year Public Speaking (14 and older) entries can come to the Kansas State Fair, however regardless of the topic used locally, all contestants at the Kansas State Fair will use the same topic, "What 4-H Means to Me".


State Fair Talk Info



County Club Days Member Videos:






Model Meeting Model Meeting Skit Talks
Demonstrations Talks Talent Demonstrations