4-H Horse Shows
DUE EVERY Year May 1 4-H Horse ID ID Sample Sheet
* indicates added this week*
*Please check the flyers for registration deadlines*
2024 Shows
14 - State 4-H Jorse Judging Contest - Equifest Salina
12 - 4-H & Open Horse Show Judges Seminar - Colby
11-12 Kansas State Fair Horse Show Hutchinson
Horse Ownership: Youth may own the horse themselves, or use a family-owned horse (immediate family: mother, father, stepparent, brother, sister, grandparent, or legal guardian).
Leasing: The leasing option is intended for youth who are unable to participate fully in the 4-H horse project because they do not have access to family-owned horse, provided that they manage the horse at least 75 percent of the time from May 1 through September 30. If a 4-H member leases his or her project horse to another 4-H member, the leaser forfeits the right to use the horse.
Sharing project horses: Siblings may show the same horse provided they are not in the same class. If both are in the same age classification, they must decide what classes each will show in.
2 –year and 3-year old Snaffle-bit: No one is allowed to ride this nominated horse except you from May 1 until the conclusion of the Kansas State Fair. This includes a trainer, parents, horseless horse member, another 4-H member, sibling, potential buyer,