Freeze Damage to Wheat

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Cold Temperature Reports

Check out the complete 'Wheat Freeze Damage' publication (PDF)


Freeze Injury Chart

Temperatures that can cause freeze injury to wheat at spring growth stages.

Growth Stage Approximate Primary Symptoms Yield Effect
Injurious Temp
(two hours)
Tillering 12 F Leaf Chlorosis; Burning of leaf tips; Silage Odor; Blue cast to fields Slight to Moderate
Jointing 24 F Death of growing point; Leaf yellowing or burning; Lesions, splitting, or bending of lower stem; Odor Moderate to Severe
Boot 28 F Floret sterility; Spike trapped in boot; Damage to lower stem; Leaf discoloration; Odor Moderate to Severe
Heading 30 F Floret sterility; while awns or while spikes; Damage to lower stem; Leaf discoloration Severe
Flowering 30 F Floret sterility; while awns or while spikes; Damage to lower stem; Leaf discoloration Severe
Milk 28 F White awns or white spikes; Damage to lower stems; Leaf discoloration; Shrunken, roughened, or discolored kernels Moderate to Severe
Dough 28 F Shriveled, discolored kernels; Poor germination Slight to Moderate

Watch the video! (4-15-13)

This shows the cosmetic damage to wheat after 24 hours of below 20 degree temperatures.

PreJointing wheat 3-17-16 prejointing wheat 3-17-16a

This is wheat on March 17, 2016. The wheat is not yet jointed because the growing point is still
below the soil surface. The soil is helping protect it from cold air temperatures. The official stage of
this wheat is Feekes 5, the leaf sheaths are strongly erect.