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Sunflower District

Cheyenne County
212 E Washington
PO Box 667
St. Francis, KS  67756-0667
785-332-3199 Fax
Contact Us

Sherman County
813 Broadway Room 301
Goodland, KS 67735-0002
785-890-4879 Fax
Contact Us

Wallace County
118 N Gardner   
PO Box 189
Sharon Springs, KS 67758
785-852-4284 Fax
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Calendar Managers

Weed Control

Kochia: A Problem Weed?

Kochia - The Basics

Glyphosate Resistance: How Widespread is the Problem?

Kochia Control in Corn and Sorghum

Kochia Control in Sunflowers and Soybeans

Kochia Control in Wheat

Palmer Amaranth: A Problem Weed?

Glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth spreading rapidly in Kansas

Glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth in Kansas?

Bindweed Control

Fall Control of Bindweed