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Sunflower District

Cheyenne County
212 E Washington
PO Box 667
St. Francis, KS  67756-0667
785-332-3199 Fax
Contact Us

Sherman County
813 Broadway Room 301
Goodland, KS 67735-0002
785-890-4879 Fax
Contact Us

Wallace County
118 N Gardner   
PO Box 189
Sharon Springs, KS 67758
785-852-4284 Fax
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Calendar Managers

Water Quality

Water glassIs your Water Safe?

Our county extension offices have water sample kits that you can pick up. We will mail them in and the county agriculture agents will review the results with you. The cost from the testing company is generally around $30.00, depending on the tests wanted.

Take a water sample booklet (PDF)